Unit Ten VOWEL+R
Part One: Listen and repeat from left to right.
bar bare beer burr bore boor
par pear peer purr pour poor
far fare fear fur for
Part Two: Minimal Pairs
Listen to the three words. Two will be the same. One will be different. Write 1 if the first
one is different, write 2 if the second, and write 3 if the third one is different on the line
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
Part Three: Word Missing
Listen and write in the missing words.
1. Did he go to the _____________ mission?
2. Did he go to the _____________ mission?
3. He bought four ___________ at the fair.
4. He bought four ___________ at the fair.
5. Barb really didn't want see the ____________.
6. Barb really didn't want see the ____________.
7. Larry and Laura __________ their carvings last night.
8. Larry and Laura __________ their carvings last night.
9. The four girls waited for __________.
10. The four girls waited for __________.
Part Four: Dictation: Listen to the sentences and write them on the lines below.
1. __________________________________weird________________
2. _________care__________________________________________
5. __Birds________________________________________________
Part Five: Questions for Answers Given
In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to
the answer, and then record the question in the space provided on your tape by using your
drill/record button.
Example: ______________________? I'm fine, thanks.
(you record "How are you?" onto your tape BEFORE the answer.)
1. Did…
2. Were…
5. Were there…
Unit Ten Tongue Twisters
Say the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the VOWEL+R sound.
1. Four fur-bearing bearded larks lurked near Larry.
/fr frbr birdd lrks lrkt nir lri/
2. Farther than further father feared.
/frr æn frr fr fird/
3. "Sure, lure poor Dirk further into girl problems."
/r, lur pur drk frr nt rl prblmz/
4. Laura's forty-four whirling dervishes had durable curves.
/lrz frti fr wrl drvz hæd drbl krvz/
5. Bored birds barred Barry from further harm.
/brd brdz brd bri frm frr hrm/
6. Poor weather assured Barb that her fears were perturbed.
/pur wr rd brb æt hr firz wr prtrbd/
7. Carl cursed as he cavorted after four beer.
/krl krst æz hi kævortd æftr fr bir/
8. Bears and beer, bears and bourbon, and bears and barley don't mix.
/brz n bir, brz n brbn, n brz n brli dont mks/
9. In fact, bears are usually barred from beer bars if they do drink.
/n fækt, brz r uli brd frm bir brz f du drk/
10. Barry, Laura, Barbara, and Larry were burned for four hundred dollars at Dirk's dark and dank casino.
/bri, lr, barbr, n lri wr brnd fr fr hndrd dlrz æt drks
drk n dæk ksino/
Work with a partner. First, repeat the words below. Your partner will write down the word
which sounds different. Then, your partner will read his/her words. Write down the word
which sounds different.
1. bar burr burr _______________
2. fear fear far _______________
3. dear dare dear _______________
4. jar jar jaw _______________
5. lark lurk lark _______________
6. bare boor boor _______________
7. pear purr pear _______________
8. gargle gurgle gargle _______________
9. rear rear roar _______________
10. tar tear tear _______________
Work with a partner. First, repeat the words below. Your partner will write down the word
which sounds different. Then, your partner will read his/her words. Write down the word
which sounds different.
1. pear purr purr _______________
2. dear dare dare _______________
3. tear tear tar _______________
4. lurk lurk lark _______________
5. bar burr bar _______________
6. bare bare boor _______________
7. gurgle gurgle gargle _______________
8. jar jaw jar _______________
9. rear rear rare _______________
10. far fear far _______________
Unit 10 Pair Dictation A
Directions: Work with a partner. Stand on the opposite side of the room from your partner.
Read, practice, and remember the first sentence from the dictation. Then, walk over to your
partner, and tell your partner the sentence. When your partner has written it correctly, go
back to this page, and read, practice and remember the next sentence. Finish the dictation in
this way.
Hairy Harold
There was a guy named Harold who rarely arranged an appointment at the barber. Harold
also rarely used a razor. So Harold was really hairy. His dark hair covered his ears, his
throat, and his fingers. Hairy Harold dreamed of marrying Fair Laurie, the daughter of a
reckless car racer. Hairy Harold discovered, however, that Fair Laurie researched bear fur,
which Harold was allergic to.
Unit Ten Pair Dictation B
Directions: Work with a partner. Stand on the opposite side of the room from your partner.
Read, practice, and remember the first sentence from the dictation. Then, walk over to your
partner, and tell your partner the sentence. When your partner has written it correctly, go
back to this page, and read, practice and remember the next sentence. Finish the dictation in
this way.
Fair Laurie
Laurie was a fair-skinned, freckled researcher of bear fur. Fair Laurie was not in favour of
marrying another fair person. She liked the dark-haired Harold. However, because Harold
was allergic to her area of research, bear fur, Laurie agreed to change her major from bear
fur to boar bristles. Laurie and Harold were married in early January, and returned to work
later in February.
Unit Ten: Information Gap Exercise A
In this exercise, sit opposite your partner. Your partner will ask you which word goes into
the empty boxes. You will pronounce the word in your box, and your partner will write
down what you said. Then you ask your partner to pronounce the words in your missing
Possible questions:
"Can you tell me the word which is in D-2?"
"Could you repeat that, please?"
A1 B1 C1 D1
A2 B2 C2 D2
A3 B3 C3 D3
A4 B4 C4 D4
Gerry’s jaw
tore his
Rarely is
Bars bar
bears Laurie was
berry farm
Unit Ten: Information Gap Exercise B
In this exercise, sit opposite your partner. Your partner will ask you which word goes into
the empty boxes. You will pronounce the word in your box, and your partner will write
down what you said. Then you ask your partner to pronounce the words in your missing
Possible questions:
"Can you tell me the word which is in D-2?"
"Could you repeat that, please?"
A1 B1 C1 D1
A2 B2 C2 D2
A3 B3 C3 D3
A4 B4 C4 D4
Jerry’s jar
A partridge
in a pear
Larry is
bare arms
are burned
fears fur
Larry was
swore at
his girl
Work with a partner and practice the following dialogue until you memorize it. When you
have memorized it, say it for your instructor.
Two friends are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of wine.
Rick: Charlotte, have you ever taken a tour of a local winery?
Charlotte: Yeah, several years ago I took the Kelowna Wines tour. Why?
Rick: I was just wondering. I've never taken a tour, but I'd like to try
something different this Thursday.
Charlotte: To tell you the truth, I prefer a beer at the bar. Beer's much
Rick: Beer! You're crazy!
Charlotte: Crazy? Why? Beer's made from barley, you know.
Rick: So what. Wine's made from grapes.
Charlotte: That's true, but I always get a hangover from wine.
Rick: Really? Are you sure?
Charlotte: Sure I'm sure; especially red wine.
Rick: Well, have no fear! I'll try the tour anyway. One sip won't hurt.
Unit Ten Answer Key
Part Two:
1. far for far
2. carve carve curve
3. pour poor pour
4. father farther farther
5. far fall far
Part three:
1. Did he go to the FATHER mission?
2. Did he go to the Farther mission?
3. He bought four BEERS at the fair.
4. He bought four BEARS at the fair.
5. Barb really didn't want to see the POOR.
6. Barb really didn't want to see the PORE.
7. Larry and Laura CARVED their carvings last night.
8. Larry and Laura CURVED their carvings last night.
9. The four girls waited for DARK.
10. The four girls waited for DIRK.
1. Those are certainly weird words.
2. Car care is very nearly necessary in today's world.
3. Barry buried his strawberries.
4. A burning barn is sort of horrifying.
5. Birds were turning over her fair hair.
Questions for answers given.
1. Did Carmen and Harry come to your party? Yes, Carmen and Harry came to my party.
2. Were George and Laura scared of the birds? No, George and Laura were not scared of the birds.
3. Does Barry like berries? No, he doesn't like berries, but Barry likes cherries.
4. Is your hair your favorite colour? Yes, my hair is my favorite colour.
5. Were there forty-four bears there? No, there weren't forty-four bears there, there were only thirty-three.